2017 in review.

Friday, August 10, 2018

What a year we had!

I say this all the time - we need to be better bloggers! Here's a quick collage of 2017!

(clockwise from the top left: 1. Celebrating Halloween as a Super Mario Family. 2. Admiring the beautiful rock formations at Antelope Canyon, Arizona. 3. Celebrating my 40th birthday at home. 4. Kids visit Santa. 5. Four pictures on my September 4th birthday to celebrate my 40th. 6. Taking the RV out at 49er RV Park, Columbia, CA. 7. Christmas Card picture 2017. 9. Surprise party from my work family. center: Ringing in 2017 with our annual New Year's Eve Party.)

What a fabulous year we had!

Yes, I know it's August, but it's time to get this blog active again. :)

'Til next time...


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